Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

ACE Research Antonia Jansz

Senior Researcher

ACE Research Antonia Jansz, Senior Researcher
ACE Research Antonia Jansz, Senior Researcher

Antonia joined ACE Research in 2012 and is now a Senior Researcher, with 15 years’ experience working in energy efficiency and the environmental performance of buildings. Antonia is the project lead on our energy advice tool service. The service has delivered a range of advice and engagement web tools for government, commercial clients and local authorities working in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust and IT partners Solstice Associates. Antonia also contributes across the range of ACE’s policy-related research projects, including undertaking desk based qualitative research and interviews with industry members.

Antonia has a degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University, an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London and an MSc in Environmental Design and Engineering from University College London (UCL).  Prior to starting at ACE, she undertook research at UCL, spent time volunteering for the Vietnam Green Building Council and before that worked for the Green Building Council of Australia and the Building Research Establishment.

Antonia is currently on maternity leave. Please contact Kelly Greer with any research queries.

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