Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services


Show Areas of Expertise
  • Sector 
  • Utility 
  • Technology 
  • Demand Flexibility 
  • Energy Storage 
  • Industrial CHP 
  • Renewables 
  • Trigeneration 

We are one of the UK's leading power and gas companies - generating electricity, and retailing power and gas. 

E.ON UK | Energy Storage

E.ON's core focus is to provide decentralised, green, and interconnected solutions that address the needs of our customers and those of the environment. They aim to lead the global shift towards new technology by working with customers, companies and across communities to make energy simpler, smarter and more sustainable.

We have invested over £480 million in schemes in the UK and continue to be the market leader in the large-scale end of the CHP market. Our CHP portfolio is made up of plants with capacities of 472 MWe of electricity and 840 MWth of heat respectively with customers including NHS hospitals, food and chemical industries, utilities and industrial scale manufacturers. In addition to the CHP schemes that we own, E.ON also operates CHP projects on behalf of third parties in Kent and Cheshire

As well as our specialist CHP skills and experience, we have access to the wider power generation, supply and trading resources of E.ON UK. We have a commercial team (Business Heat CHP) dedicated to managing customer contracts, offering energy expertise, lobbying and accreditation as well as an operational team which ensures reliable customer supplies and industry leading maintenance and operation of CHP plants.

One of our largest sites is Port of Liverpool CHP which started commercial operation in 2004 supplying the electricity needs of Peel Ports Ltd and supplying steam to Cargill Plc. For more information on this site, please click here to view a Case Study.

Our Generation business is involved in every link of the energy chain, producing electricity from a portfolio of world-class power stations and researching new technologies to meet the needs of our customer base.

Our vision is to be our customers' trusted energy partner.

Contact details

  • Mike Wake
  • Business and Community Solutions
  • Director of Solutions Delivery
  • E.ON UK
  • Email

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