Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

Evergreen Energy

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  • Demand Flexibility 
  • Energy Storage 

Domestic energy users are at the heart of our mission. We want to deliver a smarter energy system that reduces consumer energy bills by making it easy for people to raise or lower their energy use at certain times to help balance the electricity network and drive savings.

Evergreen Energy | Energy Storage

Our software platform integrates a wide range of energy technologies and manages them in real time, reacting to grid conditions to increase or reduce electricity consumption or generation. In this way we act like a “real” power plant. Traditional gas turbines crank up and down according to live energy supply and demand data, which helps keep the grid in balance. We do the same thing, but with lots of small domestic devices scattered across the country. This is why we call our platform a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).

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