Osborne Clarke
Show Areas of Expertise
- Sector
- Legal
- Technology
- Commercial CHP
- Demand Flexibility
- Energy from Waste
- Energy Storage
- Heat Metering
- Heat Networks
- Industrial CHP
- Micro CHP
- Renewables
- Trigeneration
Osborne Clarke LLP is an international law firm with offices in the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, the US and Hong Kong. Our Energy & Utilities team is one of the largest and most experienced in the sector, with over 100 lawyers and in-depth expertise in all of Europe’s major economies across a range of legal services.
These services include:
- Acquisitions and disposals
- Financing arrangements
- Energy market regulation
- Subsidies and incentives
- Real estate and planning
- Construction, maintenance and manufacturer warranties
- Grid connections
- Electricity and heat offtake and supply
- Fuel supply arrangements
Our experience includes:
- CHP and district heating
- Solar PV
- Wind
- Energy from waste, including AD, gasification/ACT and biomass
- Marine energy
- Battery storage
- Smart grid and smart metering
- Power management, including demand side response, Capacity Market, STOR, frequency response, energy efficiency and energy balancing
- CFDs, ROCs, FITs and the RHI
- ESCOs and a variety of other delivery models
We are also widely acknowledged as one of the leading law firms advising on smart cities and the move to a decentralised industry.
Our energy sector clients include large integrated utilities, established network businesses, independent project developers, funders and the new breed of energy supply and services companies, as well as major energy consumers.
Contact details
- Osborne Clarke
- One London Wall London EC2Y 5EB United Kingdom