Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services


Show Areas of Expertise
  • Sector 
  • Consultancy 
  • Technology 
  • Commercial CHP 
  • Demand Flexibility 
  • Energy Efficiency 
  • Energy Storage 
  • Heat Metering 
  • Heat Networks 
  • Renewables 

Arup provides technical expertise across all areas of energy in buildings and industry. We work with public and private sector clients to deliver value for money and high-quality, innovative solutions.

ARUP | Heat Metering

We advise clients around the world on distributed energy projects such as district heating networks, combined heat and power (CHP) and microgrids. Often these focus upon ‘zero net energy’ solutions and an increasing number of commercial organisations are now seeing the benefit of being a ‘pro-sumer’.

We deliver design advice and solutions on energy centre development including the use of CHP, community heating and cooling, and absorption chilling; and provide strategic advice on: CHP QA application and management, energy legislation change management, Climate Change Levy (CCL) exemption agreements, Emissions Trading (EUETS) management and grant funding applications. Energy Management includes site surveys, metering and monitoring, options appraisal; and our Masterplanning services include urban regeneration energy infrastructure concept planning and utility planning management.

Our clients benefit from our skills in designing and engineering distributed energy networks. Our broad experience allows us to get involved in a project at various stages, our consultancy specialists have the skills to assess market opportunities and add further value to projects by incorporating commercial viability and socio-economic analysis. For example, we recently undertook a study with Siemens looking into the new era of distributed energy systems and the key areas for investment.

Our technical expertise allows us to manage the Mayor of London’s distributed energy programme, which is aiming to install district heating networks across the city. Our project team includes engineers and planners as well as economists and financial advisors. Arup has created an unrivalled legacy of technical manuals, know-how and experience that is being sought by other cities across the world.

We also helped create the London Heat Map, an interactive tool to identify decentralised energy opportunities.

Arup’s in-house energy advisory experts work with clients on feasibility studies, techno-economic modelling and viability assessments to develop business cases, plus guidance through procurement, managing stakeholders and commissioning. Our energy systems experts understand all the complexity of modern energy networks, enabling us to create the optimum distributed network for a city or large organisations with a campus.

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