Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

Insite Energy

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  • Heat Metering 
  • Heat Networks 

Insite Energy is a multi-award-winning metering and billing agent for heat network operators. For over 10 years, we’ve provided smart metering, billing, and payment services to 65 managing agent, developer, landlord and housing association clients and over 30,000 homes.

Insite Energy | Heat Metering

Based in London and Peterborough, Insite supports the lifecycle of a heat network, offering supply, installation and commissioning of multi-utility prepayment and credit billing metering solutions in both new-build and retrofit developments. In-life operation includes debt management, tariff setting, network efficiency reviews and heat asset maintenance. We also provide a full ESCo Manager service meaning we can manage, operate, maintain, and administer an entire development’s heating infrastructure on a flexible, transparent, fixed-fee basis.

Insite’s customer service team boasts the market’s longest call centre opening hours and a 4.7-Star Trustpilot rating. In 2021 we won two Gold awards at the CXA Service Excellence Awards in the prize categories: ‘Contact Centre – Small’ and ‘Customer Experience for SMEs’. We also won the ‘Heat and Efficiency: Digital Innovation’ category at the Decentralised Energy Awards for KURVE, the UK’s first digital smart metering and pay-as-you-go app for heat networks. KURVE reduces metering costs by around 60% as well as operational savings, while helping to protect against debt risk.

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