Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

Leeds City Council

Show Areas of Expertise
  • Sector 
  • Local Authority 
  • Technology 
  • Commercial CHP 
  • Demand Flexibility 
  • Energy Efficiency 
  • Energy from Waste 
  • Energy Storage 
  • Heat Metering 
  • Heat Networks 

Leeds City Council is the second largest local authority in England, serving a vibrant and rapidly developing city with a population of over 770,000 people.  

Leeds City Council | Heat Metering

Leeds City Council is the second largest local authority in England, serving a vibrant and rapidly developing city with a population of over 770,000 people.  The Council has a long history of low carbon and sustainable development leadership and retains a strong team tasked with delivering the Council’s priority low carbon and air quality breakthrough project.

Key activities include:

Domestic energy and fuel poverty
White Rose Energy in partnership with Robin Hood Energy
Air quality improvement
Alternative fleet vehicles
Corporate energy
District heating.

The Council operates several small district heating networks and, following a detailed energy masterplan developed with HNDU support by Ramboll, is now working on a flagship citywide network.  This multi-million pound investment will use heat generated by processing waste at the Council’s newly constructed Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility (RERF) and will create a flexible 6km spine network and a connected local DHN to serve 1,983 Council flats.  Vital Energi will start construction in late 2017 and complete the network in early 2020. 

The Council is interested in extending the network to provide additional branches to the city centre and the rapidly developing Southbank area. 

The phase 2 extension will not require a new energy centre as the phase 1 spine network has been designed with growth in mind.  The network will be provided with up to 20MWth of heat from the RERF with an additional c30MWth of peaking/back-up plant, plus significant thermal stores. This is sufficient for expansion, but the council is open to offers from existing/new heat sources that would offer lower cost and lower carbon heat, particularly to offset gas as the network grows.

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