Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

Policy and regulation

The BEIS Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator is open for applications

The BEIS Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator is currently open for applications for demonstration projects using novel process technologies with the potential to reduce energy consumption, maximise resource efficiency and cut carbon emissions. 

Innovate UK: Ofgem 2021 heat Discovery funding opportunity

Organisations can apply for funding under the Ofgem - Strategic Innovation Fund to deliver projects that offer value to energy consumers and society through energy network innovation.

Green Finance Institute launches ‘Lender’s handbook on green home technologies’

The ADE was pleased to be involved in the development of this new tool for lenders.

Heat network companies: Statement on consumer protection in response to the impact of Covid

The statement put in place to respond to the exceptional circumstances at the onset of the pandemic has now closed.

Green Heat Network Transition Scheme - Round 2 Applications open 30 August

BEIS are pleased to announce that the second application round for the Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) Transition Scheme will open for applications on Monday, the 30th of August 2021.

New subsurface facilities for mine water thermal energy investigation

The new UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow provides at-scale, instrumented borehole infrastructure to enable practical investigation of mine water thermal energy abstraction and storage. The subsurface infrastructure is largely complete. Additional top-side infrastructure to provide the capability to investigate heat transfer will be installed in early 2022.

Applications open for next round of Heat Networks Delivery Unit Funding

The Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) in BEIS has announced that Round 11, the next round of grant funding, is now open for applications.

Power Shift: Research into Local Authority powers relating to climate action by UK100 & Quantum

A new report published by UK100 and Quantum on 3 May provides a comprehensive review of the powers local authorities have an need to tackle climate action in the UK. The report found that while there are widespread declarations of climate emergencies from local authorities across the county, most lack the resources and a supportive framework from national government needed in order to deliver on ambition.

New BEIS Heat Networks Planning Database

The ADE is pleased to share that BEIS have published a new Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD), detailing district and communal networks across the UK.

Between hope and hype: a hydrogen vision for the UK - E3G report

Ahead of BEIS’s forthcoming Hydrogen Strategy, E3G’s new report sets out policy recommendations in order to add most value for climate, jobs, and levelling up.

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