We need you to engage with your supply chain
26 November 2021
Your supply chain partners have a chance to submit their views to BEIS – make sure they don’t miss it.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has commissioned IFF Research and ACE Research at the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) to carry out research within the heating and cooling sector.
Meeting the UK’s net zero target will require virtually all heat in buildings to be decarbonised. This study will help BEIS understand more about the characteristics, activities and attitudes of the existing heating and cooling installer workforce. BEIS will use the findings to inform strategies that support and encourage installers through the low carbon heating transition. The experiences of the supply chain are crucial for this research and to inform future policy.
We are asking you to engage with your supply chain partners to encourage them to respond to a short online Heating and Cooling Employer Survey, which was mailed to them in mid-October.
We want to maximise the number of responses so that a wide range of views are captured and then reflected in the research findings and recommendations to BEIS.
About the survey
- Letters were sent out to a wide range of businesses in mid-October, inviting them to participate in the Heating and Cooling Employer Survey. These letters have a link to the survey and a unique access code.
- If the business has not received a letter, cannot locate it or are unsure if they should take part, they can contact the team at IFF Research (HAC-mailbox@iffresearch.com or call 0800 804 8039) to ask for a new survey link and code.
- The survey is online and should take around 10 minutes to complete – businesses can pause the survey and return to it later if needed.
- In order to maximise the number of responses, IFF Research will be calling businesses who do not complete the survey online to support them or offer them the chance to complete it via telephone.
- The findings from the research are strictly confidential and will be used for research purposes only.
- Responses can be submitted until midnight on 10th December.
We would be grateful if you would forward this press release to your supply chain contacts, encouraging them to participate in this research.