The Association for Decentralised Energy
Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services
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Technologies we support
Tools & resources
Technologies we support
ADE Acronym Glossary
Barriers to Waste Heat Uptake
COVID-19 Guidance for Heat Networks
Supporting fuel poor families through energy efficiency measures
Supporting fuel poor disabled people through energy efficiency measures
Cutting Fuel Poverty in the Private Rented Sector
Demand Side Response Code of Conduct
Renewable CHP Policies and Incentives
Gas CHP Policies and Incentives
Heat networks and customer protection
District Heating Installation Map
What is Demand Response and How Does it Work?
Guidelines for connecting to heat networks
District Heating Finance
Code of Practice for Heat Networks (ADE & CIBSE)
Code of Practice for Heat Networks
CHP Guidance for Contractors, Consultants and Customers
CHP Guidance for Contractors, Consultants and Customers
Financing energy efficiency in the public sector
Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive calculator
CHP - A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction Programs in the USA
CHP - for Buildings : A Comprehensive Guide from CIBSE
Energy Management - A Comprehensive Guide
District Heating - Good Practice Guide for Local Authorities
Decentralised Energy Masterplanning Toolkit
Community Energy - Planning, Development & Delivery