Combined Heat & Power, District Heating & Cooling, Demand Side Services

Making energy work for business | Delivering low-carbon and competitive industry

Published on 15 May 2019

Our infographic, published in part with Flex Assure, reveals the tangible benefits and potential for demand response in the UK. 

Making energy work for business | Delivering low-carbon and competitive industry | ADE publications

Sources for graphs and data:

  1. Aggreko, Industry report: Bridging the energy gap, May 2019
  2. Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) International Industrial Energy Prices October 2018
  3. National Grid ESO, Monthly System Balancing Reports (MBSS), March 2016 and March 2019 data used - Please note that the ESO has altered the inputs to the methodology.   
  4. National Grid, Power Responsive Report 2018
  5. National Grid ESO, System Needs and Products Strategy (SNAPS), June 2017 - Illustration of a balancing services trend
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