Increased recognition for the value decentralised energy brings increased scrutiny on how decentralised energy delivers for consumers. The ADE welcomes this attention and, with our members and stakeholders, we show leadership in this area to drive improvement and innovation across the sector.
What we’ve done
- We launched Heat Trust, the heat network customer protection scheme in 2015. As at November 2018, 35,000 customers are now benefitting from free independent complaint resolution and minimum customer service standards as a result.
- In collaboration with demand side response (DSR) aggregators, we published a voluntary Code of Conduct in 2018. Called Flex Assure, the Code sets common of standards for those who coordinate or ‘aggregate’ demand response from individual consumers.
- We produced the Heat Networks: Code of Practice with CIBSE to provide clear and measurable outputs to ensure a heat network operates effectively and meets client and customer expectations. In 2019, we will publish a technical compliance scheme to drive further improvements.